Makayla Brawner is a senior at Charleston High School, she took ClassE because she wants to create her own business and try to earn the entrepreneur scholarship at Lakeland College. Makayla also likes the class because she can destroy her comfort zone, explore her options, and get more information to do what she wants to do. Makayla said if she could work in any company, it would be Kleinfeld in New York. When Makayla is not at school, she loves to listen to music, like metal, country, and rap. Makayla loves spending time with her parents and looks up to her mom because she supports her in what she does and helps her when she is stressed.

Makayla Brawner, ClassE Student
“I would love to travel to Europe, specifically Poland and the United Kingdom, because I have close friends that live there.” Makayla said. She enjoyed hearing the speech of Bob Schultz, because he talked about destroying your comfort zone and felt inspired by the story of the boy that was involved with school activities and ended up getting a great job. Makayla says,
“The one thing I would say about ClassE is that I was nervous to take this class because I was afraid that I wouldn’t do well, but being in this class for the past 4 weeks or so, is that I can do this and I will.”