As a community organization, Elevate is always thinking about what role we play in Mattoon and the greater Coles County Area. We hope to be thought of as a place of unity and equity; welcoming to people of every race, gender, religion, sexuality and background.
We have always felt our best assets to our community are the resources we are able to provide to anyone with the dream to be their own boss. Small business owners are perhaps one of the greatest metrics to measure the diversity of an area and the opportunities provided to citizens of said region.
We hope to cultivate an ever growing pool of diverse business owners in our area through programs such as Grow With Google, The Lakeland Initiative, The Kiva Loan program and The Simple Accelerator Program. These programs provide the building blocks for business development and success with the purpose of creating an opportunity for any entrepreneur to start or build their own business.
It is the belief of the team at Elevate that business ownership represents financial equality, representation and happiness. Through creating a more diverse environment for business ownership we look to create a more inclusive world and community.
Become a member or schedule a tour today https://elevate217.spaces.nexudus.com/en
As always, keep up to date with Elevate on social media, connect with us on LinkedIn @ Elevate CCIC, INC., Facebook @ElevateCCIC, Tik Tok– @elevateccic Twitter and Instagram @elevate217